Commercial Pool

Complete flexibility to meet changing needs

Offer your clients and guests a pool they will love, featuring AKVO’s cutting-edge technology to suit all their needs and activities. Without disrupting day-to-day operations, this invisible system operates out of sight, lifting and lowering the entire floor of your hotel or residential complex pool in a matter of minutes at the touch of a button. Imagine a shallow pool for young swimmers at 2 pm, a full-depth pool at 4 pm, a banquet at 6 pm and a dance floor at 10 pm… Give your space a full range of entertainment choices!


With an AKVO Spiralift movable pool floor, save on land and building materials by allowing the same surface area to achieve multiple functions. Lower the floor and the pool is ready for action. Raise it up to ground level and the pool disappears completely. Thanks to a system that is silent and entirely out of sight, the floor blends in with any architectural environment, letting you recover your facility's precious space.

Installing AKVO’s variable-depth pool in a condo complex meets the changing needs of residents and attracts potential buyers. In hotels, this allows owners to target a larger clientele and maximizes profits through the addition of lucrative new uses by creating space for a restaurant, lounge, snack bar or nightclub. Create a positive return on your pool investment by multiplying the possibilities without doubling floor space.


The AKVO Spiralift movable pool floor acts just like a pool cover, reducing water evaporation during the day and heat loss at night and protects your pool from harsh weather and debris. Cut down on your pool operating costs with fewer water top-ups and minimized use of filtration, water treatment and temperature management systems.



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